Monday, May 31, 2010

Coming up in June + 100th post!!

Hello Penguins!
It's nearly June, and that means lots of new events are coming up fast!
Many of you have asked what adventures are on their way, and we wanted to give you a sneak peek. There's going to be even more new things for agents, and a TON of stuff for those of you who like the sea.
So what do you think? Let us know!
Until then... Waddle on! I think it's the adventure party & a new game! What about you? This is our 100th post~Jordanisaac1

Thursday, May 27, 2010

News News News

Check out our new videos! so I won't have to write a lot anymore~JI

Reviewed By You

Hello Penguins!Last week we asked about the most difficult problem you've solved as an agent and Rosie906 said:Well, I know this information is classified, but the hardest mission I ever solved was avalanche rescue. I was allowed to skip it though, so I moved onto the next one. Soon I was finished all the missions except that one! I decided to solve it once and for all. I went to the HQ, and solved the mission! It turned out it was easier than I thought! The trick is not to think too deeply. Be remarkable, be reliable, be ready! Good luck agents!From jackhammering to pizza delivery - we've seen lots of you joining in the construction at the Ski Village this week. What are you and your friends doing to help? Let us know!Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words please) in next week's Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!Until then... Waddle on!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

EPF teory must read read read!

Okay thanks King Casey3, my buddie King Casey found a new sneak peek! I think there might be missions that are for EPF agent's only! Let's take a look! In the HQ it say's

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

OMG check this out!

I know it's not real but wouldn't it be so cool?

5 day's left :'(

Hey guys, if you play Minimonos You would have noticed I recently won a compeition allowing me too have a free membership for 1 month.Sadly it expires in 5 days thats why im having a party to say farewell to the membership this Friday here's a few details:Date:Friday Time:13:00PST (Canadian) Room:Camp Fire Why:Membership Expires.

Reviewed By You

Hello Penguins!Last week we asked what you're enjoying most at the Medieval Party and Purpelia said:My favorite? Definitely the wizard tower! Me and my buddies play "wizard school," where two people are teachers and the rest are students, and the full wizards get wings! My favorite activity is potions, and i like how potions are spilled EVERYWHERE! Those are some messy wizards! Waddle On CP! (PS i love the arena and tree forts too!)Agents! The new mission launched yesterday, so this week, we want to hear from you. What's the most difficult problem you've solved as an agent?Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words please) in next week's Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!Until then... Waddle on ~Jordan


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Binweevils PARTY!

It's time to Party on BINWEEVILS!!! Heres the details Date:This Friday Time:13:10pm PST Server:Mulch Room:Flem Manor

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Medieval Party!

Hello Penguins!All over the island we're seeing lots of squires, knights, princesses and dragons! The Underground is especially busy with the TWO Knight Quests:Did you complete the challenges?Let us know what you think of the new medieval themed Penguin Style catalog in the Gift Shop today - Do you think any of the new styles will help you on your medieval quests?Until then...Waddle on!

Mideval Party guide 2010

Ok here's the cheats: 1:Pin @ cove 2:Free item at Lighthouse click wizard hat. 3:Quest guide @ Underground Pool follow these insturctions: 1:Stand on the Floors to light up the globes 2:Shoot 50 targets with snowballs pick first item 3:Pick next item (Knights helmet) 4: Go in these directions: down,left,down,right,right,up Pick item in the finish & leave ~Jordanisaac1

A new penguin times has come out on Club Penguin, in this issue we get allot more info on the up coming medieval party! YAY!
Im certainley looking forward to the Medieval party on May 7 and also these other events coming up very soon!•May 7 – Medieval Party•May 14 – New Penguin Mail•May 14 – Igloo Upgrades•May 14 – New better igloo’s•May 28 – New Igloo Music!•May 20 – New Pin!

waddle on ~Jordanisaac1 @

Monday, May 3, 2010

Aqua Bros Tour review.

Yeah it rocked sooo awesome here's a picture & a video!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Aqua Bros Big Return. *Tomorrow*

The Aqua Bros are back for a *ONE DAY ONLY* tour. Heres the rocking details DOG! Date: Bank Holiday Monday. Server: Southern Lights Room: Lighthouse PST: 12:15pm Get ready to ROCK! Don't know who the aqua's are? The Aqua Bros was a band formed by Shane86610,Jordanisaac1 & Kingcasey3 they first performed in July 2009 for Music Jam and they're back for one day only ~Jordanisaac1

Beta hacker!

Recently on CP there have been sight's of Club Penguin beta testers.WRONG! These penguin's aren't beta's this is a fake beta hat. I managed to get a hold of a penguin who used this program.

Cuteness93,Andykohl,Fano or Phat Fano as a cheater these are real beta's ~Jordanisaac1

Come play on Camp Pete

Jordanisaac1 loves to play football on Camp It is sooo AWESOME! Have you registered yet? You haven't?! You must register now! Camp Pete was created by FootBall coach Pete Carrol. It was made in 2009.It is really big & Jordanisaac1 & Kingcasey3 play it! It has room's like: Sport's quiz & Shop.Football stadium island's & Even an face off arena! So what are you waiting for? Register for Camp Pete now @ ~Jordanisaac1