Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fireworks at the Ski Hill?

Hey, why is there fireworks at the ski hill? Is it for summer? I don't know but maybe you might! PLease leave your comments below CLICK HERE TO WATCH SOME AWESOME VIDEOS!

More Music Jam updates

MUSIC JAM decorations are here!!!! ~Jordanisaac1 celbrating 1 year

Music Jam 2010.

As June comes to a close, Club Penguin start getting ready for July's party which for the past 2 years now has been Music Jam.Music Jam is my favourite Club Penguin party of all time.July also marks the 1 Year annaversary of Jordanisaaac1 so this July Is my favourite Club Penguin Month so we will always give you all the new Music Jam news & updates we can offer so thank you~Jordanisaac1 PLAY TEENVILLE NOW!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Land Of The Birds Test

Jordanisaac1 the creator of is now the main owner of an New Virtual World called land of the birds So if you want to try it or test the game please Click Here

Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Herbert's Revenge" in AU and UK

Hello Penguins,
I've got good news for Elite Agents in the UK and Australia - "Herbert's Revenge" will be in stores in your regions soon! June 26 for the UK, and July 7 for Australia.

There's still lots of other places we're working to get "Herbert's Revenge", so keep checking back for more updates.
Also - we've heard lots of feedback on the things you liked about "Herbert's Revenge", and what you would improve. We'd love to hear more, so leave a comment and let us know what you think!
Until then... Waddle on!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Reason I haven't been posting is

I am banned for 24 hours from an Unknown Hacker & it's summer you need to be off your computers,Xboxs,PS3'S & Others get a friend play a game or something so this site is down this Wednesday & opening a week before Music Jam 2010 so I will tweet often Click Here to follow me on twitter ~Jordanisaac1

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Reviewed By You

Hello Penguins!

Last week we asked you who you'd go on an adventure with and where. And Chubby The P said:

If I could go on an adventure, I would go with my mermaid friends under the sea! We would swim through forests of seaweed, discover lost treasures, and collect glittering shells! We would go in search for a sunken ship, and bring back pearls, diamonds, and coral! We would swim with colorful fishes, and jump in the sparkling waves with the dolphins. And when we were tired, we would go have a picnic of seaweed rolls and sand cake under the waterfall!

If you look through the telescope at the Beacon today, you'll see a familiar looking ship. Looks like Rockhopper saw the flares that lots of you launched to invite him to the Island Adventure Party this week!

So, the question we'd like you to answer this week is - if you could hang out with Rockhopper for a day on the island, what would you do?

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10 000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Until then... Waddle on!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Field-Ops is Here!

Hello Penguins!

We asked Elite Agents to report for duty on June 15, and that time has come. Today we launch a new feature called "Field-Ops", which will give agents weekly orders to keep the island safe. After what happened to the PSA, these orders will be more important than ever!

Field-Ops will put all of an agent's skills to the test - their ability to search for clues, solve problems, and work under pressure. To start, there will be a number of tasks that agents will need to learn...

... and new ones will be added over time.

All Elite Agents will have access to Field-Ops, so you can work together with your buddies and fellow agents to solve them. But we've also planned some special rewards for members, including some all-new EPF gear.

Begin your first Field-Ops at the Command Room, and let us know what you think. Just don't give away any surprises!

In other news - the Island Adventure Party starts this week. I'm keeping it a surprise, to let everyone explore it for themselves, so let us know what you think when it launches.

Until then... Waddle on!
~Jordanisaac1 Click here to try Teenville!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Introudoucing Jungle World!

Hey guys Dido77 has recently launched his new game Jungle World check it out: PLay now ~Jordanisaac1

Monday, June 7, 2010

EPF spy phone sneak peek!

Billybob gave us let another EPF sneak peek! Check out what the penguin himself had to say:Work on the new Elite Penguin Force Command Room is nearly complete - great work everyone who helped weld metal, program computers, and manage workers!

There are a few new surprises coming up this week (including a new room!), but I've got a sneak peek for something coming up NEXT week - your new orders. Check this out:

We've heard many agents report in, wanting to know what they can do to protect Club Penguin. Starting next week, you'll receive orders - for your first WEEKLY assignment. So, are YOU ready?

In other news - many of you have asked if you're allowed to talk about the EPF. Well, since agents now have the power to invite citizens to join, you can definitely reveal you're part of the EPF. Just don't discuss any classified information (such as about a certain polar bear.)

Until next time... Waddle on ~Jordanisaac1 Webosaurs Party this Saturday!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Major Webosaurs game day party!!

Yes it's time for another Jordanisaac1 Webosaurs party!!

Which will be hosted the 12th of June!! Heres the details to this PARTY! Date:Saturday 12th June 2010 Time: 13:15 WST Server:Jurassic Room:Hillside Canopy! register for Webosaurs

New Secret Agent Sneak Peek.

Today Club Penguin posted a new sneak peek of an new update, we can do next week! Check it out! In kinda looks like we can go back in time & see the former Headquarters from 2005.Leave your comments ~Jordanisaac1