Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Halloween Party On Now!
The Halloween Party is finally here! A lot of you have already braved the forest to find candy. Check it out:

Good luck on your candy hunt!
Try wearing your most monstrous outfit at the Party - it might help you earn a rare stamp. The Halloween Party lasts until November 3 - so don't miss out.
What are you and your friends are doing to celebrate Halloween? Let us know in the comments.
Until then...Waddle on!

Reviewed by You: Halloween Party!
The Halloween Party starts tomorrow! Last week we wanted to know what your favorite Halloween Party memory was and Betery76 said:
I remember the first time the dark clouds came around. That was so cooollllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of my friends and I played hide and seek with my penguuin buddies. That was the best halloween party ever!!!! Waddle on CP!
Thanks Betery76! That sounds fun!

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!
Until then... Waddle on!'' Awesome.What was your memory? ROCK ON-JI
Monday, October 25, 2010
Anniversary Party over

Well it was fun while it lasted but the Anniversary is over.But don't get too sad because the Halloween Party is on this Thursday.What was your favourite party this year? Leave your answer in the comments-JI
Anniversary Party On Now!
The Anniversary Party is today only and it's in full swing! We're celebrating 5 years on the island - can you believe it's been that long? We've already seen lots of penguins helping themselves to cake and donning party hats. Take a look:
We loved your artwork - be sure to stop by the Book Room above the Coffee Shop to see all the incredible drawings you submitted. And check the Fan Gallery for more artwork of your favorite Club Penguin memories.
When you're finished celebrating, let us know which part of the Anniversary Party you liked best.
Until then...Waddle on!''Cool -JI
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Im back on Toots

Early this year I joined Tootsville but after CP had more & updates I had no time for Toots.But now,I DO! It has a lot of new updates and is really fun SO CLICK HERE TO TRY And who knows?Maybe a party?
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Reviewed By You
As you may know, Club Penguin's 5th Anniversary Party is fast approaching. Everyone is invited to the special one-day-only event on October 24. Join in and celebrate 5 years on the island!
Last week we wanted to know what the first party you remember in Club Penguin was and Mehnaz101 said:
The first Club Penguin party I remember is............The 3rd Anniversary Party!!!!!!!! It was so much fun!!!! we all wore the crazy hats and I remember trying to find the pin especially made fot the party! It was a blue and orange cake with a big orange 3 at the top!!!!
Thanks Mehnaz101! Make sure to waddle by on October 24, to get your new party hat.

After the Anniversary Party, the island jumps right into the Halloween Party. So this week we want to know - what's your favorite Club Penguin Halloween Party memory?
Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!
Until then... Waddle on!''-jI
Igloo Contest Update
We've spotted some great entries for the Halloween Igloo Contest this weekend. Awesome job, designers! Check out some of the cool igloos we found:

Nice work I tots, Done10 and Pinkyboo821. The judges have their work cut out for them. Everyone else: what did you do to catch the judges' attention?
The contest is closed... but don't make any changes to your igloo until the judging finishes, October 19! You can check the newspaper for the first batch of winners on October 28. ''-JI
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Annaversary Party...PARTY

Yes CP's annaversary party is this Sunday & so not to cause any confusion my October party isn't Halloween it's CP annaeversary party.Everyone who attends will leave with a new buddy heres some details:Date:Sunday,24th October Server:Northern Lights Room:Beach Time:11:30 PST 7:30 UK time & The rest I dont know LOL see you there
Monday, October 18, 2010
Field Op Mission cheats

First to update:1.Go to ommand room walk over to field op screen 2:Click accept mission 3:Go to centre of the beach & play the game
Celebrate the month of children with Club Penguin!
As you may know, October is the month when we celebrate Children's Day - and we wanted to offer a special surprise for pinguinzada. From 9-19 October, we will have a special event at the Shopping Eldorado, São Paulo. And you are all invited!
Space Club Penguin, you can: play Club Penguin Game Day! Wii, pose for pictures in the scenery of the island, show your artistic talent and read the books of Club Penguin.
Here's a peek of what awaits you:

How are you celebrating the month of children? We can not wait to see what is up pinguinzada - Let us know in the comments!
Even more e. .. Waddle! ''-JI
Video preview!
We wanted you to be the first to see a little something on which the team worked. So I have noticed a bit special to show you today.Look at this:
The video will go on French television from today. So what do you think? You could see it on TV? Tell us in comments!
Meanwhile ... Good slides!''-JI
The island comes to real life!
This month the team have prepared a news supergenial. Club Penguin will move to the real world in Santiago, Chile and Mexico City! The following rinks will be decorated in the style Club Penguin:
- CeroGrado Parque Arauco (Santiago, Chile)
- CeroGrado Parque Vespucio (Santiago de Chile)
- Ice Rink Lomas Verdes (Mexico City)
- Ice Rink San Jerónimo (Mexico City)
There will also be playing! Moreover, as the surprises are few of his favorite stuff, I have prepared a number! Mmm ... but at this point I can not reveal more.
And for those who do not live in those cities, not to worry! With the team we are working to bring the fun everywhere.
Meanwhile ... Continue Penguins! ''-JI