So, the EPF has gone away for a while?Why?Hm..Do you remember the adventure party being infested by crabs?Or the blue crab?

Yes, maybe this has something to do with Herbert.Wait I have more information.
Remember the behind the scenes?Well, if you look at the writing scene you will see this

Operation: Black Out?The next mission, perhaps?When I read Club Penguin CP Pengwing4 actually was able to read some: Operation: Black Out
Herbert: “You penguins will never again see the light of day! Mwa ha ha”
Rookie: “You’ll never get away with this Herbert!”
Herbert: “That’s a…”
Yes, more info.But, what got me thinking was this.

Gary is hiding something from us.I was like, what?But then I saw in the background.A crabs shadow.Klutzy?
So,here's my theory.Herbert has made a cloning machine of some sort to make crabs take over the island.The blue crab was maybe a malfunction with the machine.But, because of the amount of energy the machine was using, there became a black out.What do you think?Leave your theory in the comments.
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