Sunday, February 28, 2010
Author appliacations
Hi guys, I have been very lonely in the days of my blogging so I have decided to make some changes an author compeitition.HUH? Well its not a comp I just pick people.Heres what I will do pick 3 authors everyday for a week heres what you have to do:1 Comment these answers:Do you have a blog if so what is it and what blog maker do you use ? Do you have good grammer? Do you play other online worlds if so what are they? And don't forget to add your email address so keep Commenting ~Jordanisaac1
Ultamite PARTY!
Date:14 of March Time:Uk 7:00pm USA 1:30pm NZ 8:00 Game:Chobots Room:Park They are the details its really going to rock meet Jordanisaac where the details are its going to be AWESOME!
New mission update!

We have been waiting a long time for a update on the new mission 11 and finally Billybob has made an update heres what the offical post said:Hey Agents!
You've been asking and we promised you some more info about the new mission! In a couple months, you'll be using your Penguin Secret Agency skills again to try and stop a very determined Herbert...
What do you think he's planning this time? Look for more mission news in a few weeks.
In the meantime, you can practice your agent skills by doing the previous missions - and continue to keep the island safe. If you're not an agent yet, if your penguin is 30 days old, you can click the M at the top right of your screen. Then click the button that says: "Become a Secret Agent". You'll get to take a quiz to apply.
Until then...Waddle on!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
New Author!
Hi Guys!! I am From !! Thx For isaac for inviting me!! I will be having a BLAST posting with u!!
Oh BTW- Call me Cakes!!
~Cakes~ :)
Oh BTW- Call me Cakes!!
~Cakes~ :)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Jordanisaac1 awards

Hi guys, Jordanisaac1 here just telling you that we only had two polls on the Jordanisaac1 awards and im suprised about the ammount of votes there were.But because there was only poll's i picked the rest out myself.Heres the poll winners:Online world of the year was won by Club Penguin WOO-HOO!.Blogger of the year was voted:Jordanisaac1 thanks for all that support.These are the one's I picked:Dino of the year (Webosaurs):Rexsours (for coming to all my party's and being my friend congrats) Monkey of the year:Brutel Congrats.Penguin of the year:Puggyo (my friend) and the moment you have all been waiting for BLOG OF THE YEAR (Not offical's) It goes to:PERcy's,Webosaurs blog.Congratulations to everybody who voted and all the winners ~Jordanisaac1
Monday, February 22, 2010
Party on Wednesday!!
Hi guys, Jordanisaac1 here I have been planning partys alot this week one is going to be on wiglington and wenks but im also having a planet soccer live party. Which will be heard this wednesday heres a little info Date:Wednesday 24th of Febuary Time schedule:Uk 8:00pm USA 2:00pm NZ 9:00am Room:Water park Jordanisaac1s avatar name:Psp1
Friday, February 19, 2010
Club penguin PS3 game

Hi gang My mum was in Japan and saw a couple of guys handing out flyers of new Disney games and this is the one she gave me. I know if its true but wouldnt it be awesome if it was Keep checking back for more ~Jordanisaac1
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Puffle Party!!

Hey guys the puffle party is here and lets see what the whats new page had to say for it. Puffle Party!!
Hello Penguins!
The Puffle Party's finally here! We hope you and your pets are checking out all the surprises around the island - including the new area for white puffles and the member Puffle Show!
The team's excited to hear what you and your puffles are doing - and what you think of everything.
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Puffle party 2010

Well gang the puffle party has finnaly arrived heres some awesome pics and yes i do use penguin storm but only when i really need to be in fast for something inportant its really fast so dont go accusing me LOL ~Jordanisaac1

This week the reviewed by you came Hello Penguins!
Last week, we wanted to hear the coolest adventure you and your buddies have gone on with your puffles. Sidiceage said:
The coolest adventure I have had with a puffle was, my pink puffle, named pink, and I went aqua grabbing. That was so much fun we went exploring everywhere. We saw a giant clam and slipped away with it's big pearl, We cleaned up soda barrels, we earned a bunch of coins together. It was the best time ever! I cant wait to have more adventures with my other puffle's. See you at the puffle party!!
A new Snow and Sports catalog comes out next Friday, February 26th - so this week we're asking what sports you and your friends like playing the most around the island. Do you have a team? We'd love to hear about it.
Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words please) in next week's Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

the new newspaper is here and heres some pictures Now, here are the Club Penguin upcoming events.
February 19
• New Better Igloos catalog
• New Igloo Upgrades catalog
• Puffle Party begins
February 26
• New collectible pin
• New igloo music
New launch time!

heres what billybob saidHello Penguins!
Last Thursday when we had to launch earlier than normal, we got a ton of comments that you liked getting the new stuff early! You may know new content usually launches later on Thursdays (Penguin Standard Time) and we've heard from some of you that when there are problems with it, you have to wait because the team's not always around to get things fixed right away.
We're working to make things better and wanted you to be the first to know that starting tomorrow we're going to launch content earlier in the day. Hopefully this will mean fewer bugs... and tomorrow it will mean that everyone gets more time to play at the Puffle Party!
Thanks for your patience with the changes - and if you can, we'd appreciate if you could help spread the news to other penguins! In the meantime, what are you looking forward to at the Puffle Party?
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Jordanisaac1 awards

Hello gang this week is the first annual Jordanisaac1 awards well its quite simple you vote and they win heres some exsamples of the polls i will be giving you 1.Online world of the year 2.Blogger of the year 3.dino of the year 4.penguin of the year 5.monkey of the year 6.modosaur of the year 7.imbassador of the year 8.webosaurs blog of the year so check back and vote your faves ~Jordanisaac1
Friday, February 12, 2010
Orange Puffle spotted

Hey guys the orange puffle seane is back after the toys and the pics and now a couple of pictures the orange puffle can be stopped and it was seen by me myself see these pics these is also a picture of the edited toy and i picture of just the puffle itslef and the pic where you can see the puffle every 30 minutes in the ski lodge clock
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Party saturday
To celebrate The puffle Month of Febuary i thought we might get involved in the puffle season we are going to be rocking with puffle fever heres the details server:Cold front room:Pet shop PST:11:00am it will be good it will be our PUFFLE PARTY !
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Special sneek peek!

Hey guys i found this awesome pic (credit to my mum also) well we looked all over the internet but then we found this i think its pretty cool ~Jordanisaac1
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Happy77 asks a party planner.

This Week Happy77 asks a party planner what we will expect for the month of Febuary happy said:On Monday Billybob showed a hint of an upcoming celebration and lots of you guessed that theres a puffle party coming up!The pic of the green square puffle made me LOL.Nobodys saying too much yet but I thought youd want to know some more so I talked so someone whos helping plan it Do we need puffle owners to be part of this party? You dont have to own a puffle but hopefully you enjoy being around them!Of course we do encourage puffle owners to bring their puffles to the party... there may be activities for the little creatures... Is there anything we should do to prepare this event?Practise your snowball tossing skills!Also if you own a puffle make sure to take good care of it. Can we expect any surprises?Every timewe plan a party we try to add a few new things and this partys no exception but if we told you more then that there wouldnt be a surprise. Happy commented Sounds very fabulous...let us know what you think ~Jordanisaac1
Monday, February 1, 2010
Hey guys Club penguin are back on twitter and there following me im going to follow them no doubt about it there name is ClubPenguinplay follow them you have to