Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Goodbye forever
Well it's been along time of my short blogging life I will continue to blog with my friends on Webosaurs but for now goodbye when Icemaster300 apoligizes to me I will come back I won't tweet will be rarely on CP and I won't post goodbye ~jordanisaac1
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Giant Villie

Hey guys.Jordanisaac1 here. As some of you already know Giant89 is making an upcoming game called Giant Villie and I was picked to be a moderator and a stick and Giant89 also got a picture of the game.The game is set to realease in June are you going to join ~Jordanisaac1
April Fool's Update

Hello Penguins!It's coming fast - the annual April Fool's Party happens in Club Penguin starting April 1st! The team's been working to make lots of funny things all over the island. There'll be jokes - some practical and some not - and loads of surprises. Also, members will be able to check out an area where they'll have the chance to show off their joke telling skills...What are you and your friends looking forward to most at the party?By the way, the team wanted to say a big thank you to all of you who voted at the Penguin Play Awards! Check out the winner of Best Play - Quest for the Golden Puffle - now on at the Stage.Until then...Waddle on! Jordanisaac1
Monday, March 29, 2010
Jordanisaac1's Early Easter Party
Yes it's that time of year again it's time for Jordanisaac1's well known Early Easter Party.YAY! I hope you can make this second annual event here's the details. Date:31st of March.Time:12:15 (penguin standard time). Server:Southern Lights Room:Coffee Shop. Why:JI's second Early Easter Party
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Penguin Play awards

Hello Penguins!It's always cool to see what you're doing on the island when an event like the Penguin Play Awards happens - we're seeing TONS of you doing different stuff at the Pizza Parlor.Also, the team loves what you're doing in the Stage and all over the island with your own speeches, interviews and acting! The red carpet's going to be gone on the 28th so make sure to get your votes in.In other news... There are some new songs for your igloo this weekend, including the music from the Pizza Parlor at the Penguin Play Awards! Let us know what you think!Until then... Waddle on! ~Jordanisaac1
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Ad space is open for buisness
Let me get something straight.You don't have to pay for an ad I repeat you don't have to pay its pretty simple really.All you do is advertise TCPCT in some way.You can get our banner at the top of the blog.Our you can add us to your blogroll.And after I have checked your blog and I see that your advertising TCPCT in some way.I will either get your banner on my site :0 or I will put you on my blogroll :0....Sound like a plan? Keep rocking ~Jordanisaac1
Monday, March 22, 2010
Jordanisaac1's new outfit

The new offical Jordanisaac1 outfit is out heres the picture.Which outfit do you think was best? Leave your answer is the comments ~Jordanisaac1
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Aunt Artic Tracker

This post is an Aunt Artic post whenever we find her we will put her location here!Currently:Online Sever:Tracking... Room:Tracking... If you found Aunt Artic using this tracker please leave a comment below
Herbert's Revenge Sneak Peek

Hey guys the offical blog gave us another sneak peek of Herberts Revenge lets read:Hello Penguins!
I've got a big sneak peek for you guys today. We've been hearing from a lot of you who want to know more about "Herbert's Revenge", the new Nintendo DS game we're working on.
Last month we showed you some pictures of some mysterious caves. Many of you guessed that agents might have to search the caves to track down Herbert. Well...
It looks like you might be onto something! The picture shows a new mini-game, with some new equipment to help agents swing into action.
I don't want to give too much away yet, but I can say that there are some big things coming up for secret agents.
The team is really interested to hear what everyone thinks so far, and what you think will happen in the game. So let us know in the comments, and keep watching for more updates!
Until then... Waddle on!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Igloo of the month

Hey guys, Jordanisaac1 here and the igloo of the month goes to HBK98 heres a pic of his igloo.Pretty sweet huh? ~Jordanisaac1
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Chobots party

Hey guys, Jordanisaac1 here and im reviewing the Chobots party.At the start it was just me and Owen2006 but with the power of Twitter things worked out even Fotis01 and Tommy23456 stopped by.Anyway I have a picture of the party.Thanks to everybody who retweeted and came.Couldn't have done it without you guys~Jordanisaac1
Puffle rescue sneek peak

Hey guys, well as you know Rockhopper's leaving on Monday :(.But don't be too upset because Club Penguin have yet another new update ready for release on Monday WOOT!Puffle Rescue the new game when you try to save puffles from the Caves.And guess what I got an exclusive sneek peek.What do you think about the new game?Is Herbert planning all this?What will he do next? ~Jordanisaac1
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Green puffle returns

Hey guys, while you were going to get the pin did you notice something weird?The green puffle on the Night Club speaker has returned:Has he escaped? Also the new pin is in the dance lounge.I can't wait for the new puffle game can you?Give me your comments ~Jordanisaac1 owner of
Penguins of the month

The first penguin of the months are:Zachdude101 and:BEEP BOP 223.Zachdude101 wins because:Attending the party and making me a sweet icon.Beep bob 223:Wins because:Adding me to he/her blog and attending.Runners up:HBK 98 +ANOTHER DUDE next month if you attend you will have the chance to win ~Jordanisaac1
Monday, March 8, 2010
Reminder:Ultamite party
chobots party: Date:14 of March Time:Uk 7:00pm USA 1:30pm NZ 8:00 Game:Chobots Room:Park They are the details its really going to rock meet Jordanisaac where the details are its going to be AWESOME.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Rockhopper is Here!!
Hi Guys!! Rockhopper is here!!! He brought us some rare items again! Have you heard? Yarr is missing!!! Lets take a look at what rare items RH brang us. The ''Recieve Item'' One is Free!! Its a backround!!
If some people scream: RH RH! RH stands for Rockhopper. Well, Thats all for now!
If some people scream: RH RH! RH stands for Rockhopper. Well, Thats all for now!
Friday, March 5, 2010
What could this mean ?

Hi guys, JI here and I have to tell you something very inportant well while reading the Club Penguin guide I just had an idea of something that may me the answer to our next mission.Well as you know the caves are reopening and the yellow puffle is hiding in the cave.Also Rockhoppers famous puffle Yarr is missing.And the caves are located in the Mine and at the adventure party there was a computer and also in the mission sneek peek picture Herbert and Klutzy are using that computer.So what I think has happened is Herbert is hiding two well known puffles.The yellow puffle which could be the one that hides in the stage and Yarr Rockhoppers beloved red puffle.Well Herbert is hiding them in the caves and as you see he has some computer so this means he might be making a machine that could maybe well make them his slaves.I don't know if this is exactly true but we will find out when the caves open again.I have made up two mission names that might be possible:Missing pirate puffle or Herberts revenge check back for more ~Jordanisaac1
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hey penguins the new whats new post is here and remember check us first we are the first to update :Rockhopper's Here!
Hello Penguins!
The Migrator's landed at the Beach and that means Rockhopper's here! Once you've found the key to his Captain's Quarters (check above the Coffee Shop - it's hidden somewhere in the Book Room), you and your friends can head there and play the Treasure Hunt game. Also, don't forget to check out the rare items he brought with him - Arrrr... you might be lookin' like a pirate real soon.
Rockhopper likes meeting new penguins all over the island, so keep your eyes out for him.
In other news: Some of you have mentioned some construction that's happening at the Mine. Let us know what you find...
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Jordanisaac1s In focous :Ninjas

Hi gang,I have been tracking down info about the Club Penguin ninja and the first bit of info I found was:Where was it discovered?Well:Before Club Penguin, there was a game created by Rocketsnail (Rnsail) called Penguin Chat. Penguin Chat was the game that Club Penguin was based off of.Penguin Chat was the creator of the ninja penguin. Club Penguin was going to put ninja penguins when they first were created, but instead they chose secret agents.Step 2:The Ninja was first discovered on Club Penguin in november 2008 when penguins, were digging out the dojo there was a secret way to find a ninja poster .November 08 was also when Sensei was first discovered he was at the top of the Dojo digging and when you clicked on his player card his name would say ?????.We also provided you with a picture of that.To become a Ninja you just go to the Dojo and talk to Sensei he will give you the first deck of cards then challenge your friends in Card Jitsu (For more info go to the ultamite ninja guide page) Next week on Jordanisaac1s in focous we get information on the Secret Agent ~Jordanisaac1~
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Colouring pages

Hi guys do you want a bit of me?Well you can now get your Jordanisaac colouring pages heres the first one heres how to get it 1:Move your mouse on the picture 2:Right click 3:Select print 4:Print your picture 5:Colour.Thats what you do I will make more soon. ~Jordanisaac1~