Hi guys, JI here and I have to tell you something very inportant well while reading the Club Penguin guide I just had an idea of something that may me the answer to our next mission.Well as you know the caves are reopening and the yellow puffle is hiding in the cave.Also Rockhoppers famous puffle Yarr is missing.And the caves are located in the Mine and at the adventure party there was a computer and also in the mission sneek peek picture Herbert and Klutzy are using that computer.So what I think has happened is Herbert is hiding two well known puffles.The yellow puffle which could be the one that hides in the stage and Yarr Rockhoppers beloved red puffle.Well Herbert is hiding them in the caves and as you see he has some computer so this means he might be making a machine that could maybe well make them his slaves.I don't know if this is exactly true but we will find out when the caves open again.I have made up two mission names that might be possible:Missing pirate puffle or Herberts revenge check back for more ~Jordanisaac1
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