Thursday, September 30, 2010
Reviewed By You


Hey guys new Paper out! Heres some things too look out for: Halloween Penguin Style Today.October 5th:Cart Surfer Stamps and Black Puffle. October 8th:New stage (Bamboo forest)Also new postcards-JI
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
October Sneak Peek
September is coming to a close, which means October is around the corner... and that means Halloween is coming!

Before the island's spooky celebrations can begin, you'll need to prepare. Here's some of the cool stuff to look forward to:
- Halloween costumes! Look for new and old favorites in the Penguin Style catalog early this month.
- Halloween Igloo Contest - decorators should look out for a new contest starting October 15.
- Stamps - earn new stamps for your collections this month.
- Club Penguin's 5th Anniversary Party - the island turns 5 years old on October 24!
- The island's annual Halloween Party - including a new member maze called the "Dark Chamber"!
What are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments!
Until then... Waddle on!'' Cool-JI
Monday, September 27, 2010
Field Op Mission cheats

1:Go to HQ walk over to Field- Op click Accept Field Op. 2:Go to the Dance Lounge walk by the curtain wait till your phone goes green then click.Then play the game- JI
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Game Day Review

Hey guys Game Day has been released in UK & Ireland. You know the CP Wii game! I managed to buy a copy and I already conqured it so I thought I would review it. Graphics: The graphics are awesome its great with all the 3D penguins the games also are really good according to graphics.The best is when you buy clothes wear them and play a mini game the clothes your wearing show up. WI-FI I liked the online mode especially the way you SYNC your own penguin, but I really hoped you could play the Mini-Games online .Ahh, maybe next time. Multiplayer:Usually my family aren't really in to CP but after the I got Game Day it's all we play and now my family relise I blog and all my friends so thats great! Well there you have I hope Mini Games will be online next time thanks for reading -JI
Submit Art for Anniversary Party!
Today marks exactly one month until Club Penguin's 5th Anniversary Party. It's on October 24 for one day only. And you're all invited to come and celebrate!!
For the party, we're planning something special to help show off your favorite times. So here's a challenge for you:
- Get together with your buddies and talk about some of your great Club Penguin memories
- Pick one and get creative (with pencils, pixels, photos, crayons, paint, etc.)
- Submit your original artwork to Fan Art

Until then... Waddle on!'' -JI
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Reviewed By You
Last week we talked about green puffles being added to Jet Pack Adventure. We were curious what other games you thought puffles would like to join in on.
We heard lots of great suggestions. Here's one from Njse2:
Maybe in sled racing black could make no snow for the others, white could make ice for you,orange could eat obstacles, blue could hit opponents with snowballs, red could do stunts, yellow could paint arrows to help, green could save you from falling, pink could dig holes, and purple could dance the snowramps after you. That woul be cool!
That sounds cool Njse2. Thanks for commenting!

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10 000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!
Until then... Waddle on!'' -JI
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Reviewed By You
Thanks to everyone who came to the Fair. We heard from lots of you that you had an awesome time this year!
Many of you told us how much fun you had playing all the Fair games. We really wanted to know which one you liked the most. Mr Bob 27 told us:
Well,my favortie Fair game is Puffle Paddle. It's super fun to see those puffles fly up and down! I also enjoy the Ballon Pop. But the best games are the ones I play with friends! Like a popcorn fight! Or hide and seek. Either way I love the Fair!
Thanks for commenting Mr Bob 27!

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10 000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!
Until then... Waddle on!'' -JI

Hey guys, I was opening my stamp book and while on the activies page I noticed something rather odd.It was instead of an Aqua penguin it was a white penguin. Is this a glitch or did CP mean too do this? You tell me -Jordanisaac1
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Party Highlights

Hey guys, the party was a blast unfortunatly I was an hour late :(.The giveaway is next Monday See ya there JI
Friday, September 10, 2010
Reminder: Club Penguin Disneyland Party!

Hey guys Jordanisaac1 is heading to Disneyland Paris to search for Club Penguin goods and will tell you about everything he finds (Including Pictures) And to celebrate we are having a party Date:Sunday 12th September Server:Northern Lights Room:Night Club PSt:11:15 am. Comment if you want to be a special guest and if your coming
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Screenhog talks Fair Party!
Screenhog here.
Since we're playing lots of Fair games I thought I'd make one of my own. See if you can find all these things at the party.
Good luck - I think a couple of them are tricky. Take your best guesses in the comments.
There are also some new prizes at the prize booth today. Don't miss your chance to get them because the Fair gets packed up after the weekend.
Until then... Waddle on'' So what do you think? Are you gonna miss the fair? Tell me - Jordanisaac1
Moderator making appearence at Disneyland Party!

Newspaper issue #256

Hey guys the new newspaper is out & here's the upcoming events: Later today is more items at the booth. Better igloos:Sept 17th Mail:Sep 17th Fairy Fables:Sep 17th Snow And Sports:Sept 24 new pin:Sept 14th - Jordanisaac1
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Reviewed By You
Last week we asked - what's the most challenging stamp you've earned so far? Lightdeer said:
The one most challenging for me was definitely catching mullet in Aqua Grabber! I had been trying for forever, even before stamps came out! Always pulled me into walls, then id lose him. But then one day, mullet pulled me in all the right directions, and i caught him! I love that stamp so much (and the coins didnt hurt either!) so i display that stamp on the cover of my book. Waddle on CP!
Cool - thanks Lightdeer!

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10 000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!
Until then... Waddle on - Jordanisaac1
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Field Op Mission cheats

Hey guys, I told you more cheats! Here is the Field Op by the way. Step 1:Report to the Command Room walk over to the screen marked:Field Op's 2:Click Accept Field Op. 3:Go The Hidden Lake (Rock in Forest) (Through the caves) Then walk to the Aqua Grabber and wait until your phone goes green Then Click it. Your game will then load - Jordanisaac1
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Happy77 Posts Answers to Your Wii Questions
Greetings Penguins!
I have to say... you guys make great reporters. Last Sunday you asked some questions about the multiplayer Club Penguin Game Day! for Wii.
We talked to some of the people who helped make the game. Here are the answers to some of your terrific questions:
Diego2310 asked: "In the new game will you get the opportunity to meet any of the famous penguins?"
A: There's a Dance game - so Cadence will be around. And maybe a few more penguins you'll recognize, too...
20andy10 asked: "If you earn things on the game, will you at the end be able to upload them to your computer club penguin account?"
A: Yep! There are items in the game that you can transfer via Wi-fi to your online penguin account. You'll also get an unlock code with the game.
Ninjaneal asked: "Will there be stamps for the game?"
A: Yes! You'll be able to earn stamps (14 total) - and then send them via Wi-fi to your Stamp Book in Club Penguin! Check out your Stamp Books when Club Penguin Game Day! Wii comes out to see what stamps you'll be able to earn on Wii.
So - Yellow? Red? Green? Blue? All the teams are gonna try to conquer the island. Which team are you going to join?
Until then...Waddle on - Jordanisaac1
Model Making Kit

Have you guys noticed this new Club Penguin good? It's Called: Model Making Kit:Plaza! If you've noticed it before, Where did you get it? I have over 50 euro spending money for France and Im looking for some stuff I can review for you guys! - Jordanisaac1 A special thanks to Ice Blue Baby CLick here to see her site
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Club Penguin Disneyland Party!

Hey guys Jordanisaac1 is heading to Disneyland Paris to search for Club Penguin goods and will tell you about everything he finds (Including Pictures) And to celebrate we are having a party Date:Sunday 12th September Server:Northern Lights Room:Night Club PSt:11:15 am. Comment if you want to be a special guest and if your coming
New Author
Art for Haiti Update
Hello Penguins!
I've got an update on our Art for Haiti project today! Our artist made it safely to Haiti, and has started work on the mural. The school construction is also going well.
Check out these photos of the project so far. Here's the new school in progress, and the old school it's replacing:

The team would like to thank you all again for your support. One reason we chose to build a school in Haiti was because of all the comments we received from you after the earthquake this year. Your passion inspired us!
Next Saturday we'll have pictures of the finished mural, so check back! And if there's anything you'd like to say to the kids in Haiti, let us know in the comments and we'll deliver the message.
Until then... Waddle on - Jordanisaac1
The Fair Party!
Hello Penguins!
The Fair is finally here! We're seeing a lot of you playing mini-games like Feed-A-Puffle. Some of you may have noticed a stamp in that game.
Don't forget to swap the tickets you earn for prizes at the prize booth! Make sure you redeem your tickets before you log out so you don't lose them.

Let us know what you and your friends are doing - Jordanisaac1 Click here for a full tour of the Fair
Until then...Waddle on!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
September's All About Games

September 24: Pick a team and hit the Stadium for some special game events!
So which games are YOU most excited about? We'd love to hear what you think, so let us know in the comments.
Until then...Waddle on - Jordanisaac1 (I think the game is Jet Pack Adventure)