Last week we talked about green puffles being added to Jet Pack Adventure. We were curious what other games you thought puffles would like to join in on.
We heard lots of great suggestions. Here's one from Njse2:
Maybe in sled racing black could make no snow for the others, white could make ice for you,orange could eat obstacles, blue could hit opponents with snowballs, red could do stunts, yellow could paint arrows to help, green could save you from falling, pink could dig holes, and purple could dance the snowramps after you. That woul be cool!
That sounds cool Njse2. Thanks for commenting!

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10 000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!
Until then... Waddle on!'' -JI
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