Last week we asked what you're doing to raise donations for Coins For Change and Joiceful said:
I am a tour guide so each year when CFC comes along, I do a "Coins for Change Tour" which takes people to games and then to CFC pots. They donate to each pot and then I thank them for making a difference. I squeeze donating into touring for the perfect Holiday combo!!!

Thanks Joiceful - that sounds awesome! Tours are a great way to spread the word about Coins For Change.
The Holiday Party is coming up fast, so this week we want to know - what are you doing to celebrate the holidays in your own home?
Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10 000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!
Until then... Waddle on!
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